Jun 20, 2014

DIY Bunny Snack Cover

Are you ready for another RABBIT craft? Yessss, Jenn is sooooo crazy about rabbits!

This time we wanna give a snack for Jenn's godmom with a very cute decoration on it, hope she like it and you guys like it too!

These are what you need:

Origami paper
Scotch tape

If you wanna have the paper with paints on like we do, you may follow the steps on DIY Upcycle Pencil Holder

Take out the snack cover gently and draw the shape on the painted paper.

Cut the shape out and stick it on the snack, and cut some more for the ears.

Stick it on the snack, we secure it with scotch tape at the end.

Add up some decoration, we made eyes, smiling mouth with rabbit teeth and a ribbon.

And it's done! 

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