Jun 6, 2014

DIY Cotton Sheep

Jenn LOVES Shaun the Sheep, it's her fave TV program every evening, so it inspired me to make one! 

Things we need:
  • Cardboard
  • Cotton
  • Scissor
  • Marker
  • Glue
  • Scotch tape

  1. Jenn helped me to roll the cotton into balls, don't expect it to be perfect, a little touch up needed. We made around 30 balls, make sure it's not too small and tight, we want it to be fluffy.
  2. Then cut the cardboard into a medium size of round and spread glue on it. 
  3. Stick cotton balls on the cardboard and make sure it is fully covered.
  4. Cut cardboard for the sheep's head and feet, colour it with a black marker.
  5. Don't forget to cut a small paper for the eye.

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