Sep 24, 2014

DIY Edible Cloud Dough

Firstly, I would really say sorry for postponing the activity posts for a long time, Jenn was down with fever, followed with the rest of the family, and I had to take care of them. Thanks God they recovered now and I get the smiles on the faces back!

I've always wanted to bring Jenn to a beach, let her feel the sand on her tiny feet and play with water. But it's not easy to take her there since we're staying in a metropolitan city full of buildings. Here is an option to introduce her to sand, I made an edible cloud dough for her to play.

  • Flour
  • Cooking oil (I used olive oil this time)

You may change the cooking oil with baby oil too, but it's not gonna be edible for them!

All you have to do is take some flour, add up some oil, make sure you drop it slowly, or else it will be too sticky. Add up the oil until you get the texture, where you can use it to mold.

I added up some underwater creatures, eg: seahorse, fish, crab, turtle and shell. Let her sense the texture, mold it with the toys and have a lot of fun!

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